Redcare’s Net-zero Journey with goodcarbon

Redcare’s Net-zero Journey with goodcarbon

Redcare Pharmacy, Europe’s leading one-stop pharmacy, partnered with goodcarbon for a holistic high quality approach to compensate residual emissions through a nature-based solutions portfolio.


Sunset in the mountains

Redcare Pharmacy sought a trustworthy compensation partner as well as high integrity projects which create lasting impact.


goodcarbon Logo

goodcarbon composed a high-quality nature-based solution portfolio out of four different projects in the global south and Germany.

Net zero by 2040

Redcare Pharmacy's climate protection strategy revolves around measuring emissions, reducing emissions as fast as possible and offsetting that cannot be reduced immediately. Their ambitious goal is to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040.

Redcare believes in taking immediate action to neutralize emissions while finding answers as to how to emissions can be avoided and reduced in the long-run. By offsetting emissions today, the online pharmacy is putting a price tag on every tonne of CO2 emitted by them and raising awareness for the financial value of climate actions.

Anna Toennessen, Director Sustainable Development at Redcare Pharmacy, revealed that this approach has “helped them to reduce their energy-related emissions way faster than originally planned.”

However, compensation measures must have proven added value for the environment. “Not all offsetting certificates are the same and evaluating the differences requires the right skill and transparency.” said Anna Toennessen. That is why Redcare places great emphasis on building the right offsetting portfolio to invest in verified, long-term, and holistic climate protection projects.

„A healthy life needs a healthy planet. While growing our business we are at the same time working on minimizing any environmental impacts.“


Anna Tönnessen

Director Sustainable Development, Redcare Pharmacy

goodcarbon as Redcare Pharmacy’s trusted compensation expert

As Europe’s leading online pharmacy, Redcare sought a trusted compensation expert on their offsetting journey. goodcarbon provided Redcare with the access and insights to ensure that their investments in climate protection projects were achieving the promised impact. With the help of goodcarbon’s team, Redcare built a Nature-based Solution portfolio, encompassing four distinct projects across various ecosystems, countries, and project types.

“Navigating the offsetting market is complex and it is difficult to differentiate between good and bad projects and their developer’s claim. We were impressed by the depth of knowledge goodcarbon has on nature-based solution projects. Their detailed project assessment, gave us the confidence that the projects can achieve the promised impact and that our investments actively help to stop climate change” said Anna Toennessen.

Portfolio Composition


Highlight Project - The Generation Forest

Within Redcare’s carbon portfolio curated by goodcarbon, a standout project is the Generation Forest Project led by our esteemed project partner, Andreas Eke. This afforestation project in Panama not only champions biological diversity but also significantly strengths nature's resilience. The planting over 20 native species in the project area will result in a natural forest resembling a primary forest that will regenerate naturally.

Biodiversity Icon
Biodiversity champion
by planting >20 native species in the project area resulting in a natural forest resembling a primary forest that will regenerate naturally.
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Community empowerment
by enabling a group of Indigenous women to run and manage the tree nursery that provides the seedlings for the project implementation
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High sequestration rate
by removing >20t/ha per year which is higher compared to most forestry projects.

The collaboration with goodcarbon highlights Redcare Pharmacy's commitment to restoring and protecting our ecosystems and the successful integration of nature-based solutions to achieve Redcare's climate goals.

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