Nature projects for the long term.Nature portfolios on your terms.
Trusted by Leading Companies
For our corporate partners
Nature portfolios on your terms
We’re in it for the long-term, you’re in it on your terms. Let’s design, build, and manage impactful nature portfolio together.
Define your portfolio strategy
Identify your climate and nature targets and design a custom-fit portfolio strategy aligned to your business needs.
Build your nature portfolio
Choose the level of influence you want over your carbon credit portfolio and select from a range of nature-based solution options.
Manage your nature portfolio
Interact with projects to see your impact firsthand and communicate performance outcomes through our bespoke platform.
For our project partners
Nature projects for the long term
We provide expert support and data-backed insights throughout your project’s lifecycle, simplifying the marketplace experience and connecting your carbon credits with vetted buyers.
Develop a nature project
Identify your requirements for developing an impactful nature project with guaranteed returns.

Fund your early-stage project
Influence and ensure the success of your project by securing early-stage financing.

Unlock our nature advisory
Unlock the potential of carbon and biodiversity markets with our support, maximizing your impact.
One size fits none
With our unmatched global portfolio of forest, soil, and ocean projects, we tailor climate solutions to your business needs. Our end-to-end partnership approach reduces risk, offers customized financing options, and simplifies the creation of impactful, high-quality nature-based portfolios.
Explore our projects
Generation Forest Panama

Generation Forest Panama
Huge areas across Panama are abandoned because of increasing soil erosion. Like in many parts of the tropics, the government had incentivized local farmers to cut down virgin rainforests to engage in cattle breeding to meet growing demand.

The Amazon Rainforest has been grappling with large amounts of deforestation in the past decades, and although Peru has always had relatively well conservation values, Peru is feeling this pressure too, especially in its Amazonic region.

We need a systemic change in agriculture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are generated during our food production processes. Klim works with farmers in Germany to convert their conventional agricultural practices to regenerative agricultural practices.
Great Green Wall of Gujarat
Great Green Wall of Gujarat
The Great Green Wall of Gujarat is a community led and managed project which aims at building a Bio Shield along 1,000 km (out of 1,600km) long coastline of the Gujarat State by restoring mangroves.

This transformative project is set up to revolutionize subsistence farming practices on a large scale by implementing a range of regenerative agriculture practices. Operating in the Indo-Gangetic plain region, it not only promises potential reductions in emissions and carbon sequestration but also aims to bolster the income of smallholder farmers through the adoption of regenerative agricultural techniques.
Our project types
Reforestation and afforestation projects plant trees. The former plants trees on previously degraded forest land, and the latter creates new forests. Projects in this area enable long-term, permanent protection of forest ecosystems and biodiversity, have great climate change adaptation benefits through forest (re)creation, and provide employment benefits for local communities.
Mangrove restoration projects restore mangrove forests that have been subject to deforestation and degradation, while also preventing further degradation. There are great adaptation benefits as mangrove forests provide a first defence against floods or soil erosion and reduce wave and storm surges. Additionally, mangroves have large biodiversity benefits acting as a rich habitat for local fauna.
Agroforestry projects combine agriculture and forestry to promote sustainable forest management and create a diverse landscape that stores carbon in trees and vegetation, while allowing farmers to increase crop yields and diversify products. It is therefore a great climate change adaptation strategy. Agroforestry projects may also help to reduce the demand for illegally harvested timber products.
Reduced Emissions from Avoided Deforestation and Forest Degradation are projects where carbon emissions are avoided by protecting a forest area from threats of deforestation and degradation. REDD+ projects also have a community proponent, e.g., training activities and the provision of sustainable sources of income, thus enabling long-term benefits by changing dependence on damaging activities and protecting forests.
Regenerative agriculture projects are about inducing systemic change to our food system. Encouraging farmers to transition to regenerative farming techniques - such as reduced tilling, crop rotations, and enhanced crop coverage - is pivotal. These approaches increase farmland resilience against the impacts of climate change and are indispensable for safeguarding our food security over the long term.

The goodcarbon difference
Long-term, bespoke partnerships
We create lasting, custom-fit partnerships that deliver measurable impacts, channeling private capital into ecosystems and vulnerable communities.
Risk-assured, credible solutions
We connect companies to reliable nature-based solutions with verified climate, biodiversity, and community impacts and leverage science-based insights to manage risk at every stage.
High-quality, nature-based credits
We specialize in high-quality, nature-based carbon credits and offer a vast range of verified, exclusive projects to help companies meet their short-term and long-term climate goals.
Convenient, end-to-end experience
Our customizable products and services and deep market insights help companies efficiently navigate an evolving and complex carbon market infrastructure throughout the entire project and carbon credit lifecycle.
What partners say about us
Anna Tönnessen
Director Sustainability
Development, Redcare Pharmacy
„Navigating the offsetting market is complex and it is difficult to differentiate between good and bad projects and their developer’s claim. We were impressed by the depth of knowledge goodcarbon has on nature-based solution projects. Their detailed project assessment, gave us the confidence that the projects can achieve the promised impact and that our investments actively help to stop climate change.“
Jose Reyes
Sales and Project
Development Manager, Toroto
„Toroto and goodcarbon joined forces to empower three different ejidos (communities) in Campeche, Mexico. This collaboration drives positive environmental and significant social impact through the sale of high-quality carbon credits.“
Marc Flachmann
Business Development Lead,
„As a developer dedicated to advancing regenerative agriculture in Germany and across Europe, we highly value our partnership with goodcarbon. Their ability to seamlessly integrate our projects into diverse carbon credit portfolios is invaluable.“
Nature benefits unlocked
Our Nature Analytics framework ensures full transparency on a project’s impact, risk, and integrity, leveraging rigorous methodologies and real-time data to validate and verify project performance.
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